Municipal Parking

The Township of Verona currently maintains two municipally owned parking lots. When parking in the lots, it is important that you utilize a metered spot and not a permit spot unless you have the appropriate permit.  Violators face a summons and the possibility of having their vehicle towed at the owner’s expense.

Municipal Lot 1 can be accessed via Park Place (opposite Lakeside Ave), off of Bloomfield Ave. The lot runs alongside the east side of HB Whitehorne Middle School. Lot 1 contains 42 metered parking spaces and 25 permit parking spaces.

Municipal Lot 2 can be accessed from Grove Ave, approximately 50 feet north of Bloomfield Ave. The lot runs behind a group of stores on the north side of Bloomfield Ave. Lot 2 contains 22 metered parking spaces and 10 permit parking spaces.

Coming Soon Lakeside Ave Municipal Lot
Municipal Lot Permits  – Residents, Business Owners, and Business Employees who meet the requirements can purchase a permit to park in a space in the municipal lots.  Spaces are assigned to a specific vehicle, and are not transferable. Please contact the Verona Police Department Records Bureau at  (973) 857-4817  for complete information.

Metered Parking Spaces  – Parking spaces that are controlled by ParkMobile and Municipal Lot Kiosks are located in the Municipal Parking Lots, along Bloomfield Ave, and Lakeside Ave, and on the east side of Bank parking lot located at 599 Bloomfield Ave.  Please review the time limitations, as well as the cost of the meter upon exiting your vehicle.  Overnight parking regulations are in effect at all parking meters, except in Municipal Lot 1 during a snowfall.

Snow Emergency  – Parking on the roadway during a snowfall is prohibited in all cases. Vehicles left on the roadway during a snowstorm may be issued a summons and towed at the owner’s expense. Residents without sufficient off-street parking can park their car in either Municipal Lot 1 or the Verona Pool upper parking lot during a snowfall. If parked in the Municipal Lot, you do not have to place money in the meter. You must remove your vehicle from the metered space once the roadways have been cleared.