Boards and Committees

Residents are encouraged participate in our community by volunteering for various boards, committees and commissions. If you are interested in knowing more about how you can serve Verona or would like to submit a letter of intent and resume for consideration by the Town Council for any of the boards, committees and commissions listed on the website, please call (973) 857-4770.

Application for Appointment to Township Boards, Committees & Commissions  

 » Apply online   

Open Space Trust Committee

The mission of the Open Space Trust Committee is to identify available parcels of land in the Township and submit a report to the Township Council those parcels of land from which the Township should acquire by gift, purchase or by eminent domain proceedings, pursuant to State statute and within the financial constraints established by the Township Council.

Board of Adjustment   

The Zoning Board of Adjustment reviews applications to utilize property in a manner not consistent with Township of Verona municipal zoning laws.   Learn More... 

Environmental Commission   

The Environmental Commission is established for the protection, development and use of Verona's natural resources.   Learn More...  

Historic Preservation Commission   

The Verona Historic Preservation Commission is an agency established by the Town Council to assist in the identification and preservation of the Township of Verona landmarks and historical sites.   Learn More... 

Library Board of Trustees   

The Library Board of Trustees sets policies for the Verona Public Library and oversees the operation of the Library.

Multicultural Inclusion & Accessibility Advisory Committee (MIAAC)

The Multicultural Inclusion and Accessibility Advisory Committee (MIAAC) was newly established by the Township Council on January 3, 2022 via Resolution. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in participating in the next year to help us begin the work of the newly adopted mission statement. Learn more...

Municipal Alliance Committee   

The Verona Municipal Alliance Committee (VMAC) provides educational programming and prevention outreach to the citizens of the Township of Verona.   Learn More... 

Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee   

The Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee makes recommendations to the Township Manager and Recreation Director on recreation needs of the community.   Learn More... 

Planning Board   

The Planning Board is charged with addressing permitted land uses. The Board is responsible for the Township of Verona Master Plan.   Learn More... 

Neighborhood Traffic & Safety Committee

The mission of the Public Safety Committee is to improve the overall safety of the community by recommending safety initiatives and raising community awareness of safety concerns.

Rent Control Board   

The Rent Control Board supplies information and assistance to landlords and tenants to help them comply with the provisions of the Township of Verona codes.   Learn More... 

Shade Tree Commission   

The Shade Tree Commission advises on the protection of Township of Verona trees and works closely with the Department of Public Works for tree maintenance.   Learn More... 

Sustainable Verona Green Team  

Sustainable Verona manages Verona's participation in the Sustainable Jersey program and encourages Township residents and employees to pursue sustainable practices where possible and implement the Township’s environmental goals.   Learn More...