Overnight Parking

Verona Police Overnight Parking Permission

Click HERE for Overnight Parking Permission

Township of Verona ordinance 140.7 prohibits parking on any street within the Township between the hours of 2:30am – 6:00am.  Permission to park on the street during these times is given on a case by case basis, and is generally limited to 2 or 3 times per year.  In order to receive permission to park overnight on the roadway, please fill out the above form

The desk officer retains the right to grant or refuse parking permission.  Abuse of this privilege will result in future refusal to grant permission.  For those without sufficient off-street parking, please see the information listed under Overnight Parking Permits.

Under NO circumstances is parking permitted on the roadway when snow is expected.  This includes overnight permit holders.  Overnight parking permit holders who can not find any other place to park their car during a snowstorm can park in Municipal Lot 1 (metered spaces only), or in the Verona Community Pool upper parking lot.  Municipal Lot 2 and the Civic Center (Town Hall) are not to be used for snowstorm parking.