Behind Municipal Parking Lot #1
Accessible from Park Place
Behind H.B.W. Middle School, adjacent to track
The garden is completely funded by grants and donations. The Landsberger Foundation, Sustainable Jersey, PSEG Foundation and the Partners for Health Foundation are major sponsors. We also receive donations from local organizations such as the Verona Education Association, The Women’s Club of Verona, The Junior Women's Club, Hearth Realty and individuals. Private contributions are welcome. Only Verona residents are eligible to lease a bed. The lease fee for a 4' x 8' bed is $60, half beds are available for $30.
Lottery for Garden Beds is Open! Click the Garden Bed Lottery box above to apply
Only organic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are allowed to be used in the garden. An OMRI (organic materials Review Institute) label can be found on acceptable products. We often supply products such as neem oil spray for gardeners use.
Food Donations from designated garden beds as well as those donated from gardeners are brought to the Human Needs Pantry and to Verona Hillwood Towers, the senior citizens housing complex. Volunteers for this program are always welcome.
The Department of Public Works carries out much of the labor and construction work. We are extremely grateful for their continued support.
As the demand for the garden has grown we are in need of a walkway in our public section of the garden. We are asking for your support through an engraved brick fundraiser. Help us create a legacy for the community by showing your support with this fundraiser.