The Verona Landmarks Preservation Commission is an agency established by the Town Council to assist in the identification and preservation of our town’s landmarks and historical sites.
The Commission is responsible for administering the regulations designed to preserve and regulate landmarks and historical sites and educating the public to help preserve
our town’s historic resources.
We recognize that historical, cultural, architectural and social heritage of Verona enhances and enriches our lives, and that it is given in trust to us to preserve from
generation to generation. Verona’s past is part of identity and it’s integrated into both our present and future.
We act as a liaison on behalf of the local government to individuals in the community and organizations concerned with historic preservation. Most importantly, we
also work toward the continuing education of citizens within our jurisdiction regarding historic preservation issues and concerns.
Often the public is the first to hear about a situation that may endanger a landmark or building in our community. The public is our first line of defense in ensuring that
Verona retains it small town feel and character for many years to come.
We are always looking for more public participation. This can be done by attending our meetings or suggesting houses that could fit the criteria to be landmarked.
Our last survey was completed in May 2017 by Barton Ross & Partners LLC. Our ordinance stipulates that a survey be completed every ten years. The survey is on our website.
Verona is a unique community. Much of what makes this town special is that it is largely an intact historic commuter suburb. The town is defined by its sense of scale, sidewalks and tree-lined streets, fine examples of architecture, variety of neighborhoods and the charm of its downtown. These elements are so much a part of what defines Verona that some might think they could never change. But in fact, it is only through local historic designation that the Township can protect a building, structure, site, object or district.
We currently as of May 2018 have two designated landmarks:
The Historic Preservation guidelines are outlined in the Verona ordinance in Section 150-15.4 to 150-15.14. The ordinance is on our website.
The first responsibility of the Commission is to survey the Township for potential buildings, sites and districts worthy of designation, according to the criteria set forth in the ordinance. After a review of potential buildings, sites or districts, the Commission will consider whether to designate them as historic landmarks. Property owners will be notified and a public hearing will be held to review the Commission’s nomination report. The Commission will forward its recommendations to the Planning Board and the Township Committee, which will vote to approve, reject or modify the proposal. If approved, the buildings, sites and/or districts would be designated as Verona Historic Landmarks and notice of the designation will be announced.
If your property is designated, it means that any proposed demolition, relocation, significant exterior architectural changes, new construction, subdivision or variances must be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission prior to the issuance of permits and application approvals by other Boards. Certain types of work are not subject to review by the Commission, such as exterior painting, interior renovation, or repairs made to the exterior with in-kind materials. The Commission seeks to work with property owners and neighborhood associations, to provide technical assistance, to work with applicants and offices of the municipality and to provide research guidance to help in the sensitive design of improvements. Early consultation can offer the property owner historically appropriate solutions to their design requirements.
The VHPC meets at the Verona Community Center on the third Thursday during the months of January, March, May, June, September, and November of every at 7:30 pm. Meetings are advertised and open to the public. Agendas are posted on the town website prior to the meeting. Minutes of each meeting are available on the town website and in the office of the Township Clerk. All designations and applications are considered at open Public Hearings.