General Information
600 Bloomfield Ave

Staff Info.

Ann Jocelyn,
Grant Coordinator

VMAC Safe Homes

VMAC’s Safe Homes is a program that encourages parents and guardians to join a community of like-minded people who pledge to not allow underage alcohol, tobacco products, vapes, and other illegal drugs in their homes and on their property.  

Participants also commit to secure firearms and weapons, forbid bullying behavior, and monitor minors’ social media and technology usage. 

New Jersey Law states that the legal age for purchase, possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverage is 21 years of age or older. (2c:33-17a).  Although it is legal for parents to choose to serve their own children on their property, it is illegal to serve alcoholic beverages to others under the age of 21. The maximum penalty is $1000 fine and 6 months in jail. In addition, parents could be held civilly liable for any incident arising as a result of serving or allowing alcohol to be consumed on their property.

Safe Homes members receive the names and telephone numbers of those who signed the pledge.  Don’t assume that because someone signed the pledge that a party is supervised. Phone numbers are provided for parents and guardians to call and verify.  

Feel free to send any comments or questions to us at or


The Verona Municipal Alliance Committee receives funding from the Governor's Council on Substance Use Disorders (GCSUD) and the Township of Verona, with additional support from the Verona Community.