General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
880 Bloomfield Ave,

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm
Staff Info.

George F. Librizzi
Municipal Assessor

Pamela Priscoe,
Assistant Municipal Assessor

2025 - 2026 Property Revaluation Program

January 2025: A revaluation of all properties located in the Township of Verona is currently underway.

It has been almost six (6) years since a revaluation was completed in the Township of Verona New Jersey. Real estate taxation law mandates that all real estate be assessed at 100% of market value and there must be equalization among assessments.

Annually, the State of New Jersey, Division of Taxation, and the Essex County Board of Taxation complete a study of all the sales that have transacted in each community, including the Township of Verona, and determine the relationship of assessed value to sale value for each usable sale.

It has been determined by the State and County agencies that the properties located within the Township of Verona are currently not assessed at market value.   The Essex County Board of Taxation has ordered a revaluation of the Township to be completed and implemented by the 2026 Tax Year. 

The goal of the revaluation program is to update all assessments to fair market value. To achieve this goal, all pertinent information must be accurately collected. This procedure includes a representative of the firm making an inspection of your property and measuring all buildings on, and improvements to, your land. If no one is available during our initial inspection we will continue with the exterior inspection and leave a post card with a phone number for you to call to set up an appointment for an interior inspection. Please inform tenants and/or caregivers of the revaluation program so they are aware of our upcoming visit.

For additional information, please refer to initial contact letter sent to property owners and FAQs.