Township Council


(includes the Township Manager and the Township Clerk)


Mayor Christopher Tamburro
Term Expires 12/31/2025
Contact Mayor Christopher Tamburro


Deputy Mayor Jack McEvoy
Term Expires 12/31/2025
Contact Deputy Mayor Jack McEvoy

Councilman Alex Roman|
Term Expires 12/31/2027
Contact Councilman Alex Roman

Councilwoman Christine McGrath 
Term Expires 12/31/2027
Contact Councilwoman Christine McGrath

Councilwoman Cynthia Holland
Term expires 12/31/2025
Contact Councilwoman Cynthia Holland

Government Description

The Optional Municipal Charter Law (OMCL) or Faulkner Act (N.J.S.A. § 40:69A-1, et seq.) provides New Jersey municipalities with a variety of models of local government. This legislation is called the Faulkner Act in honor of the late Bayard H. Faulkner, former mayor of Montclair, New Jersey and chairman of the Commission on Municipal Government.


The Township of Verona operates under the council-manager form of government. (N.J.S.A. § 40:69A-81, et seq.) The council consists of five members elected by the public. One of the councilors – chosen either by at-large election or by a vote among the councilors – serves as the mayor, who is merely the head of council and has no special privileges such as veto power. Council appoints the Municipal Clerk, the Tax Assessor and members of all boards and commissions. The council hires a Manager, who serves as the chief executive and administrative official.


The Town Manager is chief executive and administrative official of municipality, prepares the annual budget, appoints and removes department heads, attends Council meetings with voice, but no vote.


The Township Council meets the first and third Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located in the Municipal Building, 600 Bloomfield Avenue, Verona, New Jersey.


The Township of Verona’s municipal government is non-partisan. Municipal Elections are held the during the November General Election in odd-numbered years. The members of council serve for 4-year, staggered terms. The next municipal election is November 2025.