Projects - In Progress

2025 - 2026 Property Revaluation Program

It has been almost six (6) years since a revaluation was completed in the Township of Verona New Jersey. Real estate taxation law mandates that all real estate be assessed at 100% of market value and there must be equalization among assessments.Annu…

Linden Ave Corridor Study & Demonstration Project

Working to make Linden Ave safer!Starting Tuesday, October 15th, you will notice a temporary new traffic demonstration in the Linden Avenue corridor. The goal of this demonstration is to investigate ways to improve traffic safety, decrease cut-throu…

Be a part of Verona's Sign Makeover

As many may have noticed, our beloved "Welcome to Verona" is undergoing a transformation which is nearing completion! We look forward to greeting visitors and residents alike with a new fresh look. This glow-up is thanks to the sponsorship from DCH …

Lakeside Ave Municipal Parking Lot

Downtown Verona parking relief comes with added revenue streams:As a part of the administration's ongoing efforts to revitalize and support Verona's downtown economy and local businesses, Verona Township plans to purchase the Our Lady of the Lake Pa…

Verona Township Enhances Funding for Tree Care & Maintenance

Collaborating with the Verona Shade Tree Commission, a thorough windshield tree survey is currently in progress. Due to the increasing demand, funds have been raised by approximately 40% above the usual budget allocation to analyze, assess, evaluate…

Verona's Township Council Backs Bloomfield Ave Corridor Rehabilitation

Verona, NJ/May 7, 2024In a majority vote during Monday's Township Council meeting (5.6.24), the administration was given the green light to proceed with designating Verona's Bloomfield Avenue Corridor as an area in need of Rehabilitation. Prior to t…

Verona is making strides in drinking water well remediation efforts

Verona is making strides in drinking water well remediation effortsBehind the scenes, Verona has been diligently working on upgrading our drinking water wells. These efforts will result in new and improved wells that meet and exceed all NJ standards…