Recreation Advisory Committee
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee shall consist of the following: Township Manager or the Manager's designee in the absence of the Manager; a member of the Council to be appointed by it; the Director of Community Services; nine public members (appointed by the Council and serve 3 year terms).

Corey Schor, Chairperson                        Term Ending 12/31/2026
Steve Farrell, Member                              Term Ending 12/31/2027
Andrea Lacotte, Member                          Term Ending 12/31/2026
Michael Passero, Member                        Term Ending 12/31/2025
Michael Duda, Member                             Term Ending 12/31/2027
Shannon Curtin, Member                          Term Ending 12/31/2025
Clariza Mione, Member                             Term Ending 12/31/2025
John Fatatis, Member                                Term Ending 12/31/2026
Ashley, Ravah, Member                            Term Ending 12/31/2027
Jeffrey Barrow, Manager's Designee         Term is at the discretion of the Township Manager
Cynthia Holland, Council Representative  Term Ending 12/31/2025
Dave Rowbotham, Director of Community Services    

Contact the Recreation Advisory Committee

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is hereby charged with the following duties and responsibilities:

To recommend the establishment of new programs.
To recommend rules for the use of facilities.
To recommend user fee structures for facilities and the application of proceeds.
To determine needs and recommend uses of present public properties for recreational purposes.
To determine needs and recommend uses of facilities and equipment.
To monitor recreational facilities.
To determine needs and recommend uses for new and expanded facilities and equipment.
To determine and recommend appropriate means to publicize all community recreation programs.
To suggest community recreation programs.
To recommend marking of walk paths and open areas and to publicize them.
To determine conservation desires of residents and to recommend implementing procedures.
Review the budget and capital improvement plans for the Township community pool and surrounding property.
Review and make recommendations regarding community pool ordinances, resolutions and rules and regulations.
To develop and update a long-range Master Plan for recreation.

2024-2025 MEETING DATES 

(Meeting agenda linked to each meeting date when available)

2023 Meetings